An Eulogy

An eulogy for the one that left without saying goodbye

There are tears to be shed
For the one whose eyes are forever shut
Whose fingernails grow even though her skin rots
Whose tongue swells with words she’ll never say
Whose limbs are heavy with the weight of the world

There are accusations to be flung
At the father who left before she came
At the mother who put herself before all
At the friends who saw her spiral and never said a word
At the lover who smothered her with his love
At her for not being strong

There are worse things than death
Sorrow that eats at your sanity
Grief that numbs you to humanity
Depression that ties you to your bed
Hope that is tantalizingly close but just out of your reach

So put on your black dress
Fill your neck with pearls
wear your shiny court shoes
Walk in the mud of the graveyard
Atop the heads of other already lain
Sob aloud and blow into your tissues
Dab your eyes and your cheeks
Stand there and reminisce

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